Even Though It Is Hard

May 27, 2014

Elder White got to email me and his dad back and forth yesterday for only a few minutes. He is struggling badly and wants to come home!! But I know and he knows that he is meant to be there. I am sure that the culture and the language is very difficult. But I am sooooo grateful for another sweet Elder who is from here who was Nikolas’ friend and they are serving in the same area and they get to eat and talk often. Thank you Elder Flake for being such a great example and helping Elder White through the tough times.

Food and great Elders always helps!!

Food and great Elders always helps!!

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3 Responses to Even Though It Is Hard

  1. Kim Syphus says:

    Poor Nik! I hope he can just hang in there! Katelyn was the VERY same way and now she is dreading coming home. It takes them a lot of time and a lot of prayers to get them through the first few months. Our prayers are with him as well. We will have to be sure to write to him.

  2. He will make it through. Love the pic.

  3. shelly Flake says:

    I love the scriptures that you shared with Nik this last week. That was a perfect reply to help him! I may share those when I hear others that have a missionary struggling. So happy that Nik and Andrew are in the same area. I imagine that they got to play basketball and soccer together today!! Thanks for the kind words for Andrew.

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